วันเสาร์ที่ 11 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2555

Olympus Evolt

Olympus Evolt Video Clips. Duration : 1.12 Mins.

DISCOUNT LINK tiny.cc Customer Reviews: "As a person who was a serious SLR film enthusiast about 27yrs. ago with a Cannon A1, I decided, after purchasing a good quality digital point and shoot camera a couple of years ago, to get back into photography, but this time digital photography. So, after reading about several new DSLR cameras this past summer, I decided to buy the Olympus E-410 a couple of months ago. The important factors were its compact size, cost, self-cleaning sensor, live view LCD, and ease of use. After two months and about 700+ pictures, I can happily say that this camera is serving its purpose in introducing me to the wonderful world of DSLR photography. In my opinion, one of its strengths is its solid build despite its light weight. The buttons and dials feel good and you're unlikely to accidently change a setting. There is one weakness in the E-410 which deals with backlighting without the use of flash. The only way of correcting it is by going to the EV compensation with a +2/3 or +3/3(this equals 1 f stop), or the manual mode with a +1 f stop exposure. With most cameras, you can simply point and focus on the darker area and press the shutter halfway and you'll see the camera making the appropriate adjustments. In regards to the two lenses that come with the E-410, I really appreciate the performance of the 14-42mm lense. I've taken many excellent close up pictures of flowers with it. Sigma, however, does have a better and faster, but more expensive ...

Tags: Olympus Evolt, Olympus, Evolt, Digital SLR Cameras, Digital, SLR, Cameras

